How Can I Use Blackberry Messenger, by Safely?

At this time the Blackberry Messenger used very busy. The application chatting suddenly became the the favourite chatting application for many people in various countries. The workers, professional, the housewife, the retail seller, the businessman as far as students often used its as their favourite communications equipment that was new.

However as The New Communication Application, many of the they did not understand that many matters that could made them damn it from features that was provided Blackberry Messenger. Results, they were not more careful in his use.

To use Blackberry Messenger safely, better Blackberry the user understood correctly the instruction and the work system of the Blackberry Messenger applications.

There is some tips and tricks for safly using Blackberry Messenger :

1). Back up Blackberry Messenger contact. If your Blackberry smartphone broken, you still had back up contact yor friend, family and relation. Very sad when until you lost contact with them.

2). Avoided sent the broadcast message if indeed was not very important. Ordered broadcast message often disturbed his recipient. We also often felt annoyed also if receiving the broadcast message that was unimportant. Then, for the security and comfort together, let's avoided the broadcast message if for the matter that was not so important.

3). Don't gave your PIN to anyone except for the commercial aim. Be on duty at PIN personal you only for people who were known by you. Because Blackberry Messenger at this time often was used to bad market communication. Occasionally they damaged our prifacy. So big-hearted-heart in giving your Blackberry Messenger PIN to someone.

4). Use the sentence that was good in used chat Blackberry Messenger. Because this could caused the legal lawsuit from the other side and from the Producer Blackberry (RIM). So, at random should not say in chatting.

5). You must be careful if getting the message chat from the person who was not known. Moreover when chat that contained the strange message and abnormal. Because possibly the message came from the swindler or the criminal who threatened the safety of the wealth and our life. If this happened, asked about that to your parents or the adult that was regarded by you understood. 

6). If you used Blackberry Messenger for the requirement for the business, try to get kept all chatting report for transaction that happened. This to avoid the misunderstanding and the deception that possibly could happen.

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